terça-feira, janeiro 26, 2010

Boa leitura

Uma das melhores críticas que li sobre as semanas de moda aqui do Brasil falava do jogo constante da sensualidade e da sexualidade velada no universo fashion. O grande fotógrafo Bruce Weber trouxe ao extremo esse diálogo em seu último editorial para a VMan chamado de How to read. Nele, modelos nus e seminus brincam com frases clássicas e obras primas da literatura universal. Genial!!!!


"One of the best reviews I read about the fashion weeks here from Brazil spoke of the constant play of sensuality and sexuality in veiled fashion universe. The great photographer Bruce Weber has brought the dialogue to the extreme in his latest editorial for VMan called How to read. There, nude models and naked playing with phrases and classic masterpieces of world literature. Genial!!! (Translated by Google)"

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